![Pain and mobility improved with Bowen.](https://bowenhi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Chewy2-300x169.jpg)
Bowen therapy can really improve pain and mobility in common life-limiting problems of the neck, back and hip. Clients typically report feeling less pain following a treatment session. They also experience greater freedom of movement and a return to activities that were once avoided.
Yet, people often ask me to explain how it is that Bowen works. I usually get stuck on this, but here’s a comparison that we all deal with on occasion: a faulty home electrical system. I’ll explain more.
Holistic Approach to Pain Resets Nerves
First, Bowen is a holistic body-wide approach to pain relief and general wellness that resets your nervous system, much in the way your home electrical system, in the event of an overload, can be reset to proper functioning.
Gentle Touch More Powerful than Force
Bowen’s light-touch gentle pressure effectively calms and resets nerves, which then relax your muscles, tendons, fascia and joints. Some may dismiss the light touch as too shallow to have any positive effect on healing. But, your body knows that the delicate web of its “wiring” responds much better to gentle power vs force.
Your Brain – the Circuit Breaker Box of Your Body
You know that circuit breaker box in your hallway closet? It’s the central supplier of power that runs through wires to light up the lights, tools and appliances in your home. In your body, your brain is the main housing unit that runs power via a network of nerve connections to your muscles, joints and organs. It’s how you’re able to feel, see, smell, hear, breathe and move.
In life, there are many things that can disrupt the flow of power, causing troublesome to debilitating pain to your body. Thankfully, your body has its own safety trips that protect you in overload and overuse situations. It does this really well, too. You can be trouble-free for years and often decades. But, then one day a simple torque or tweak will reveal those years of hidden pain, abuse and neglect. It’s pain that sends you seeking a quick fix.
Bowen and Pain – Relax, Reset, Rebalance
![Pain and mobility improved by Bowen Therapy](https://bowenhi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Budha-150x150.jpg)
This is where I can help those suffering neck, back and hip pain. Bowen therapy is just the right amount of pressure to reset the nerves misfiring into strained and injured muscles and joints. It’s just the right amount of touch to ease muscle tension. To relax tight joints. To rebalance you.
I tend to see the person who has “tried it all” – physical therapy, deep tissue, needles and adjustments. She’s plateaued in therapy and there’s still pain and tension. Her body just isn’t holding the fix the way it’s supposed to. She doesn’t want to take medication. And she doesn’t want surgery. If this is you, Bowen may be what your body is seeking. To learn more about Bowen Therapy, see American Bowen Academy »