Bowen Therapy Is Light Touch Pain Relief for Everyone
Bowen Therapy is a uniquely effective technique. Don’t let the light touch and gentle pressure fool you. Bowen kick-starts your body into self-healing mode. It calms areas of pain and tension. People typically report feeling less pain following a treatment session, along with greater freedom of movement and a return to activities that were once avoided.
Bowen Therapy is like resetting the circuit-breaker switches in your body. Tension melts and muscles relax. In a Bowen session, I use my thumbs and fingers to gently stretch back and roll over areas of tension. These fine “moves” send a deep healing charge through your nerves, muscles and fascia, enabling your body to repair and rebalance itself.
Bowen Therapy for New Pain and Old Pain
It’s amazing how quickly Bowen therapy can help your body heal an acute injury. In fact, applying a gentle stretch and roll over an injured muscle will help it to heal faster than muscle that is deeply or forcefully pressed. That’s why Bowen works so well on fresh sprains, muscle tears, and even concussions – because there’s no added pain to bear, only healing. Bowen shortens healing time compared to many conventional treatments. I believe this is where Bowen therapy really shines.
Most people seek Bowen after months or years of pain. As light and gentle is the touch, Bowen reaches deep to unwind stubborn layers of restriction. Things like low back and hip pain, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, and pain from really old accidents and sports injuries are pretty typical. Clients routinely report a renewed drive to do more. And, most are surprised by the lasting disappearance of their pain.
Bowen Therapy for Migraine, Sinus, and Tummy Too!
The light touch of Bowen Therapy triggers a cascade of brain events – nerve signaling between tissue, spinal cord and brain – that cause vessels and airways to open up and pain sensors to calm down. Symptoms subside and disappear – headaches, dizziness, congestion, bloating, gas, cramps, nausea, indigestion, anxiety. Finally, a deep body-wide sense of calm and relaxation makes Bowen capable of facilitating renewed function of internal organs and systems supplied by nerves.